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Saturday, May 21, 2011

How to change the Windows Adminstrator Password

Ever wondered a way to Change the passwords off the Windows administrator accounts ? Dont worry course in this article Im going to teach you how to do that.and by the way , please note that this is only for educational purposes.Follow the steps below and it will be very easy.

1st Go to Start , then open up RUN , there type CMD and hit enter.Then a black box will pop-up. it's know as the command prompt.Inside that box type "net user" and hit enter.

Then , a list of all the user accounts will be shown up. Then type net user <the name of the account you wont to change the password> * '

e.g. : net user Nico *

Then type the password you wont as promoted.The password that your typing will not be shown.TeeeDeee. 

Now you know how easy it is to reset a Windows Administrator Password. SO make sure that you keep your accounts secured.


මෙම ලිපිය ගැන ඔයාලට හිතෙන කැමති දෙයක් කියන්න..